Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day Memories

ESTRA (Seattle) - The mind is often our scrapbook.  Good memories have very special places inside our hearts and minds. What is contained in your Scrapbook? 

The memories of children experiences given and received are often reflected on Mother's Day.  Why? Many things are wrapped up in a memory. Smiles, ways of walking and talking, especially laughter. Add times, special insights provide healing.  Much of a mother's role is teaching, educating, loving, caring along with sharing stories of support which provides directions along the way.  

Mothers hold families together.  Through good times and hardships. Through joy and tears.  Through loss and victories.  Families bring understanding to situations in ways few are able. Maybe Mothers should take time to build a physical Scrapbook holding valuable memories only Mothers understand and share.  Share those times when holding on was invaluable and guess what? You made it through a lot of them! The next generation needs to know they too can make it through the obstacles of life.  Share with mothers-to-be and future moms about common issues which brings security, hope, and tools which help them along the way! Insecurity is common among women with limited experiences and/or knowledge.  Its time to share.  We are all human and have learning curves.  Lets share them with those we love. 

Far too many new mothers are unsure about their way.  They are worried.  Without information, loss direction takes up far too much time.   Mothers can put their knowledge to work and help others, including family.  

As you move through this Mother's Day, touch the hearts and souls of others. When it comes down to it, all we have in this world is each other. We as Women have much to share.  Let's not ignore our wisdom and skills.  Perhaps this is the first time you have recognized your talents. Yet many people before you recognize your gifts. And, another Mother will appreciate you help.

Happy Mother's Day! Scrapbook your memories.

ESTRA Seattle


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