Thursday, March 14, 2019

Middle Aged and Senior Car Accidents

ESTRA (Seattle) - The Middle Aged and Seniors often take longer to recover from being  involved in Car Accidents.  A large portion of these populations also live from paycheck to paycheck, with few resources to overcome the obstacles of personal injury, damaged vehicles, and resources to hold off financial woes.

Short-Term Disabilities most Middle Aged and Seniors can get through hard times. Yet the worries of figuring out how to get through Auto Insurance Claims, Medical Co-Pays, and paying Monthly Bills add to recovery time because of increased stress levels without a Recovery Plan.  Daily stress is often too high in life with few resources to quickly terminate concerns.  Middle Aged Injured often support family members in conjunction to self.  This often keep people up at night which adds to physical suffering.

If you know someone who has been injured in a car wreck who is Middle Aged or Senior, simple help can ease their burden and help to keep them moving forward instead of backwards.

Seniors assistance with errands helps reduce daily requirements.  If going to the grocery store anyway, ask if there are things you can pick up for them.  Make a simple list with them by allowing 5 -10 minutes to write needed items. Once help begins, it will become easier to have an idea of what is used on a regular basis.  Try to purchase items which will not require a lot work, since this creates greater hardships when injured.  In whatever ways you decide to assist, make sure it doesn't add major burdens on you, this would defeat the purpose.  This should be a rewarding experience for both of you.

Middle Aged Injured support tend to be about responsibilities around their home.  Helping to keep things organize or running smoothly helps to keep stress off these individuals. It may be as simple as shifting duties to others in the household and showing them how to do something they can take over until injured person has recovered enough to provide help.

The key is not to become overwhelmed and attempt to take on too much.  Have a plan of what you can and cannot help with each week or month.  In fact, a group of helpers is best in both of these cases.  Personalities must be comfortable with each other, or this support defeats the purpose.

No one knows when needing assistance after a car accident.  This person may be one of the first people to come to your aid.  Your thoughtfulness will be appreciated!

ESTRA Seattle

Talking About You with ESTRA (TAYWE)
Car Accident Radio Podcast

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